Hey Mates!
Got another series am adding to the blog. The Astral Claws! My first ever paint scheme now revisited.
"There are but two answers to the question of Humanity's survival in the face of a hostile cosmos; overwhelming force and the will to use it." Lufgt Huron, Chapter Master--
At a tournament just this passed weekend, I actually lost best overall player to someone that didn't paint his army. Me and this person where point for point in every area except paint, I ended up losing by paint score, myself painted army vs his commissioned army.
Needless to say I was abit annoyed at that out come, but still very happy to have done as well as I did. The person I lost to in this category is a good player and someone I enjoy being around.
I spent some time thinking back on the tournament and have set my goal to bring my tournament army to my current level of paint so that doesn't happen a 2nd time. My goal with this new scheme and the repaint of my force it to literally paint a army better then the commission painters some tournament players are using for there competition armies.
The Astral Claws are my oldest and largest army. I play them the most with 129 total games since last year just with the Astral claws. Been keeping count in my small little note pad for calculating maelstroms points. The problem with the army is its 12000 points and counting cause I have never really repainted anything have just kept adding to the army.
The army has won me multiple awards at three tournaments so far am quite proud of that, so I know improving them will be beneficial in the long run.
I have alot of marines.
That has allowed me to keep tracking my progress and skill level. Have about 6 different schemes for the marines each improving over time.
At this stage am very certain I will need to repaint my entire Gladius Strike force. Have 5 months till the next major tournament, plenty of time to get them finish and ready for battle.
The Astral Claws are my oldest and largest army. I play them the most with 129 total games since last year just with the Astral claws. Been keeping count in my small little note pad for calculating maelstroms points. The problem with the army is its 12000 points and counting cause I have never really repainted anything have just kept adding to the army.
The army has won me multiple awards at three tournaments so far am quite proud of that, so I know improving them will be beneficial in the long run.
I have alot of marines.
That has allowed me to keep tracking my progress and skill level. Have about 6 different schemes for the marines each improving over time.
At this stage am very certain I will need to repaint my entire Gladius Strike force. Have 5 months till the next major tournament, plenty of time to get them finish and ready for battle.
Anyway, enough back story on why this project has pushed my Imperial Guard and Space Wolf armies to the shelf for time being.
Here is the usual stuff I post!
Here is the usual stuff I post!
I started by pinning and cleaning up all the model parts/accessories for 12 models.
I then primed all the parts and base painted them.
The last time I painted some astral claws was many months ago, with much lower quality skills and tools. I use the last one I painted to compare the difference in the new scheme.
Using yellow modeling tap, I paint the chainswords for my sergeants and apothecary.
I use a dark blue to paint the secondary base colors.
I then work on next step with 3 test models, the one on right is using a soft tone shade from secret weapon miniatures. The one in the middle is with nulin oil in the past I would use nulin oil over the whole scheme. Left is an unwashed model for comparison.
So far am settling with using the soft tone for the model scheme.
This concludes part 1 of the astral claws scheme!
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