Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Knight Atrapos - Finished

Fayte here!

So I did it, I finished off the Knight and handed it over to my client! Out of my hands and done. Thankfully I learned some things from the model, but one of the biggest ones was that I can, in fact, speed paint something with pretty good quality. But, without further adieu...

LoW Knight Atrapos

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

WIP - Knight Atrapos Part 3

Fayte here!

Looks like things have come together nicely for the Knight. Speeding along, I fixed the green and gave a quick highlight color to blend it. It really saved my butt knowing I had a color in my drawer that would cover it! *whew*
When we last saw our hero...
Thankfully, I caught the bug to really dive into the model and get to work. I had a Friday off, so I saw it as a good opportunity to work hard on Thursday night and Friday to really make things shine. I pulled out my Vallejo Liquid Gold - Old Gold paint and went for the gold trim....and found it was dead. Yep, I tried painting with it, and it was thick and old.

Well, time to grab that new paint! In no time I had gotten that trim and moved onto some copper areas, pull out my Vallejo Liquid Gold - Copper aaaaaand! Dead.
It even oxidized!
Well, that's not good! In any case, some Tinny Tin saved my butt and I cruised along into the realm of decals and detail work. And in no time....
Oil wash: Unlocked

Chicken Walker!

Next post will be the finished product! Weathering powders and OSL effects still to come.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

WIP - Atrapos Knight Part 2

Fayte here!

After an interesting period of cleaning and getting the model prepped for painting, the painting long last! I had a sweet new idea I wanted to try out, and had hoped it would really add some solid flavor to the model, paint chipping. Figured it would make weathering that much easier, but, as it turns out, not all experiments work out!

Rare view inside an STC

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WIP - Atrapos Knight

Fayte here.

I was commissioned for a speed paint job to get a Forge World Knight Atrapos from cast to painted in a little under two and a half weeks, and so far, it's been quite the trek! I was going to save it all for the end, but here are some progress shots.
Mechanicum Cerastus Knight-Atrapos
Forge World Knight Atrapos

Monday, May 16, 2016

Making Cork Bases - Warhammer 40k Space Wolf Bases

Hey Mates,

Working on some bases for the test model Space wolves.

Gonna be doing them on 32mm bases, pretty much is my thing.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Space Wolves Painting Update - Warhammer 40k Jump Pack OSL Glow affect.

Hey Mates!

Update on the Space Wolves Test Models.

Been Theory crafting have 3 list am gonna run with the Spacewolves, nice thing is I have pretty much all the models I need to do it with my Astral Claws. So will test the lists out a few times before going nuts on buying models. In mean time was gifted some Forgeworld Shoulder pads for Space Wolves, have raided my 8 bits boxes and have enough stuff to do 20 Blood Claws. I also picked up 2 Grey Hunter kits from a buddy for dirt cheap. So have some toys to enjoy for a while.

I tend to build in bulk, am know for doing 50 or more models at a time. I like to assembly line my projects, am not doing that with the Wolves at all. Am only doing 1 or 5 models max at a time, and doing them to 100% completion. Only thing I have not done is the bases, which I will start a few test bases soon before wiping out a bunch of them.

Anyway the painting! (Pictures after the jump)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Space Wolves Painting Blood Claw Squad

  Hello Mates! 

I tend to work on a bunch of different projects. I have lots of Imperium Factions. Plenty of Space Marines, and Guard to go around. Have always stayed to the Astral Claws Color Scheme. However have always liked Space Wolves, just hated there color scheme, was randomly browsing the web and came across a 30k space wolves model. 

That got me more interested, cause the scheme is Dark Grey and Red. That is a color scheme I do very much enjoy the look of so I went through my bit box. Managed to find 15 chest plates for space wolves. About 5 legs for space wolves, on top of the other legs I have, and that pretty much made everything way easy. Also have 58 heads for space wolves... I horde bits what can i say, buy bags of them any chance I can.

Then my buddy Nick was playing a game with his new wolves force Tuesday, and I loved the difference in game play. I had faces wolves, and seen games being played with them before, but this game i paid alot more attention too. Also I spent 3 hours sitting there thumbing through the 7th ed wulfen book and space wolves codex. Managed to theorycraft 3 lists from it so Space Wolves may be my next force for the Imperium. Was gonna do grey knights, I even have a large force of them, but they just been nurfed to hardcore. So am selling the GKs " Keeping some " and gonna use the profit to likely get a new airbrush and some wolves. 

So Space Wolves, am sick right now was yesterday too. That gave me time to do a test model. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Assassinorum: Execution Force - Painting the Models

Hey Mates,

Chiming in with my first post cause, I hate wasting time on updating people on projects.

So there's a combi-pack and side game that comes with four assassins. I did not buy the game, but i wanted the assassins. Thankfully was able to get a hold of the set. Last one I need is on the way. Shout out to Fayte!

Getting Started

Hello! And welcome to Immaterium Painting. It's always difficult to start a blog off and make the post worthwhile, but here it goes anyway.